We all donned our pioneer clothes and headed off on July 24th,
Pioneer Day.
We traveled in charter buses for the 6 hour drive, so we were definitely pampered on the way there.
But once we arrived, we kicked into pioneer mode.
Pioneer Day.
The first day, we trekked 6 miles into camp, set up, had dinner, did some square dancing and went to bed.
Day two was an incredible day. We trekked approximately 15.5 miles that day. We had a program in Dan Jones cove where we learned about the pioneers and their hardships and suffering as they traveled to Zion. Two young men sang a song called Prayer of a Walking Child. In the song the boy asks his Father in Heaven to help make his steps a little larger so he won't fall behind. He asks Him to bless his shoes to last another mile or so. He asks Him to bless his mother, to dry her tears and help her smile again. It is a heartbreaking song.
After the program, we walked silently into Martin's Cove. As we entered the trail to the cove, all of the ancestors of the Willie or Martin Companies from our stake were invited to line up and we passed through them as we entered the trail. There were close to 100 descendants. It was very touching.
We then re-enacted the crossing of the Sweetwater River. Before we crossed, we learned about the 4 young men who carried the pioneers across the bitter cold river. Our boys then each carried a girl across the river. It was a humbling experience for each of us.
After the Sweetwater crossing, the men were "called off " to the Mormon Battalion, which gave the girls the opportunity to pull the handcarts themselves. The men lined up on either side of the trail as we pulled the handcarts up a steep hill. The men were silent as we pulled and were not allowed to reach out and help us. It was much more difficult than I had imagined and gave us such an appreciation of what these pioneer women experienced as many of them carried on without the men in their families.
The youth were absolutely incredible on this journey. I never heard a word of complaint. They pushed and pulled and sang hymns the entire three days. I felt honored to be with them.
I am so grateful for this experience and feel reverenced by my pioneer heritage. I admire their courage, their faith and their determination. But mostly, I am humbled by their absolute testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray that I will carry on this pioneer spirit in my home and that I will remember to walk with faith in every footstep.
Click below for a slide show of our trek. Make sure your volume is up.
Absolutey Awesome! Thanks!
Okay those comments from "Ryann" above were actually mine.
Amazing! What an experience. Thanks for sharing :)
Hey Val~
My husband and I did this and it was an incredible experience. Wish you could bottle those experiences with the spirit sometimes, huh?
You look amazing!!
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