Everyone gets a "special" birthday once in a lifetime. It's "special" when you turn the same age as the day you were born. Brody just turned 6 on the 6th. Get it? Sorry, Aiden, you won't have your special birthday until your 29 (of course, that's a special birthday for women, anyway, because they never get older than 29. Ever. Just ask one.)

We picked up a couple of his friends and headed to Carl's Jr. for lunch cuz they have a great play structure (and because I despise McD's. And let's face it. It's all about me.) Chicken nuggets all around. Six year olds are pretty easy to please.

Then we headed to the Nickel Arcade for an hour of chaos. I never Knew three little boys would be so hard to keep track of. Give a little man a pocketful of change and an arcade and you may never see him again! I saw some 30-something year olds there with pasty complexions and glazed looks on their faces dumping in nickel after nickel. Gee guys. I'm shocked to see no ring on your fingers! Sad. But the boys had a good time and got enough tickets to get some trinkets and candy. However, I've decided Brody won't be going back there after the age of 12!

We wrapped up the day with cupcakes, icecream and presents at our house. His friends got him Bionicles and Indiana Jones Legos.
Jordan got him some gag gifts that made inappropriate noises.
The boys loved them.

Oh yeah, and silly string.

And a new bike.

Thanks Dad!

Happy Birthday to a "special" little boy! We love you.
ok - so I don't actually know if I'm on board with her politics, or even if I like her as a candidate, no one in the press seems to be focusing on that part of her, but... my point is, that it is unrealistic to believe that women in politically active families have ever been hands on with their kids. (Ex. - the First Lady). The problem is that these "mothering" questions are only raised when women go from "volunteerism" to paid work, or when they are pursuing their own interests instead of propping (sp?) up their husband's. Also, not all moms are nurturers - some just are not affectionate, that is true of fathers as well, but we would never say that Bill Clinton looked uncomfortable in a family photo so maybe we shouldn't vote for him. Should we really penalize a mom simply because she is a different kind of mom than we are - or reward her because she is the same?
Quite frankly, I'm not thrilled about either ticket, and I may not vote for either, but I don't want to discount Sarah Palin because I am at home with my kids and she's not.
ps - the party looks like it was big fun
Happy Birthday Brody! You are such a sweet little boy! We hope you had a great day! I bet you will be riding that bike in no time. I just hope not down your driveway!
Happy Birthday Brody! Looks like you had a great time!
I love you!
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