This was Aiden last week when she was feeling well. She is taking a 4H class after school on Mondays. She wanted scrapbooking, but that was full. So she decided on gymnastics. But that was full. She finally consented to cheerleading. But that was full. She ended up with CSI. Yep, Crime Scene Investigation for 4th graders. And guess what? She loves it!
You may think this looks like a Halloween bowl, but it will, from this day forward, be known as the barf bowl. I thought this bowl appropriate; notice the the look of angst on the bowl's face. I know, a barf bowl is gross, but cleaning the contents of one's stomach off my carpets is much grosser, I assure you. Which, by the way, never comes completely out. That spot is like a poltergeist you think you've eradicated, but the little bugger keeps coming back to haunt you! My husband has found me on more than one occasion, bent over the area with spray bottles and rags, like a crazed Lady MacBeth screaming , "Out, darned spot!" (There are small children in the house, mind you.)
So I'm curious. Do you people use a throw up bowl? Or do you enjoy the thrill of the chase to the toilet? Seriously. That's just not right. Toilet bowls and faces. Never the twain shall meet. Just thinking about it is making me sick.
Aiden, can I borrow your bowl?
Throw up bowl - and anyone who says they don't have one is lying.
that 4H crime scene class looks fun! they didn't have things like that when I was in school! Is Aiden feeling better now? Dalton's been sick too.. We have a throw up bowl too, but man, i hate cleaning it! I would so much rather flush it down the toilet! (Thomas cleans the toilets. :))
Throw-up bowl. Has to be that way. Luckily we are not vomiters here. Cause I suck at vomiting! The only time I have ever done it was while pregnant and it was so unexpected and rare that I couldn't walk around with a barf bowl. So to the toilet I would run and I swear I would have to shower afterwards! Just couldn't make that stuff stay in there no matter how close my face was to that thing!
Is that the kind of details you were looking for?! Those flu shots are looking better and better!
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