This is on the top of my Christmas wish list this year. My mother-in-law sent a link to this a couple of months ago and I never tire of watching it. They now have it for sale on DVD and in a beautiful book. I'm asking for both! (Husband, are you listening?) I love the DVD because it is set to one of my favorite hymns, Come thou Fount, sung by an amazing singer named Freddie Ashby. What a gift.
This project stemmed from the Mesa Easter Pageant that is performed every year. Mark Mabry, an amazing photographer out of Mesa, took the characters on location around Arizona and Mexico to do a photo shoot of the life of Christ. Here is what he said: "What started as an idea for new publicity photos in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Mesa Easter Pageant blossomed into a project that is now a Spirit-filled exhibit of photos depicting the life of Christ." He had no idea his talent would bestill the souls of so many, including mine.
Never before have I been so spiritually touched by photographs. I have a couple of favorite artists whose paintings of Christ I love (Walter Rane and J. Kirk Richards, to be specific) but I had yet to see a photograph that captured the Savior in the exact way I envision him. Until now. I think I will watch this every day this Christmas season, to help me remember that our joy at this season is because the Savior Jesus Christ came into the world.
Wow, that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Now I'll be putting that on my Christmas list as well. Both the music and pictures bring such a warm and peaceful spirit - thank you for sharing your testimony too.
Wow, that just be my favorite hymn now. I just bought the cd of Itunes. Definitely worth buying! My kids are going to love watching that video. Can't wait to show them. Thanks!
I went to school with Freddie Ashby! Crazy huh?. I can't wait to watch the video when I get home.
I love this. I saw it about a year ago and it is one of the best displays of it's type I've ever seen. I love the angels - they are my favorite and how I picture myself after I die.
oops - I used the wrong its. urgh.
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