On Thursday, we watched the Macy's Day Parade. Then Matt and the kids went outside and played a little football. Notice you don't see Brody in the pictures. He's over on the trampoline, rolling around and whining how nobody gives him the ball.
While they played, I made the traditional Thanksgiving day feast, ie; turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, corn, salad and rolls. Our first year with homemade rolls! Well, homemade by me, that is. And here's the proof. Ta da! Nothing too fancy or out of the ordinary for this family. Just your typical good eats.
Devin made these adorable little turkeys for each place setting. She's so good and patient.
We finished up the night with a little gingerbread house extravaganza. Guinns vs. Williams. Not really, but that's how it looks in the pictures. Jan baked the houses ahead of time and I got the candy. Oh, those kids had a good time. And I had a good time watching. And nibbling.
(Take note: Mason used to kindly wear glasses so we could tell them apart. But the little stink had to go and get contacts. Rude! So Clay kindly let me buzz his head so we can tell them apart again. For now, anyway.)
Mason and Clay gave it the old college try, but alas, it was a futile effort.
Mason huffed and puffed and blew that house down.
Thar' she blows!
Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving!!! We still need to get together!
That sounded like it was really fun! I wish we lived there with you guys! It is not the same talking over the computer, though it is better than it would be if we didn't have it. I miss you guys so much!
Nope, it doesn't get any better, except like Ryann said if we just lived closer together! Great pictures!
Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving! Your meal looks beautiful! Maybe someday I'll make one! :)
Val it's Lindsay! Brent and Jana Barraclough's daughter. I don't have a blog but I look at my sister's all the time. I love looking at yours and getting updates on your family! Your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!!! It would be so fun to see you again! I hope our families can get together soon.
How funny, I keep track of you, too through Jenn's blog. Congratulations on your wedding! He's adorable. We absolutely have to get together. If the holidays are too busy, let's be sure to do it shortly thereafter. Keep hassling your sisters for me!
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