Friday, April 3, 2009

Squish in My Step

Yesterday I posted about my heart soaring over the beauty and wonder of spring. Today I woke up full of misery and woe. Woe and misery. I was miserable in my woefulness. I was woeful in (record scratch) Ok, sorry. So here's the deal.

Last night it rained. Not big news, I know. It rains in Utah. And then it snows. Then it snains (that's a combination of the snow and rain together. I made that up. Do you think it will catch on?) But last night we had ourselves a torrential downpour. I'm talking Pacific Northwest eat your heart out kind of downpour. Matt and I were out driving and basking in it (we miss Oregon) and Matt kept saying how unusual it was for it to rain that heavy here. Then he kept saying, "This means flooding." And I mean kept saying, as in 4 or 9 times. Finally I said, "Ok, this means flooding, but for whom?" (And yes, I said "whom". I'm always grammatically correct in my speech. Just ask my kids. We was just talking about that the other day.) Matt's answer was that he didn't know whom, but somebody.

Alas, that somebody was us. The girls came in at 6:30 this morning and said, "Dad, we've got a big problem downstairs." Crap. We both knew exactly what that meant. My man is nothing, if not prophetic. The storm we had basked in the night before had indeed flooded our basement. Apparently, our downspout is situated in an unfortunate way, and had drained into Jordan's window well all night. (That is not our Dr. Pepper can in the well. I repeat, not our Dr. Pepper can. We drink it out of bottles.)

We quickly cleaned out their bedrooms as best we could, pulled up the carpet and set the fans to work. And relatively speaking, it could have been a whole lot worse. No ankle deep water, just a lot of sloshy carpet.

Matt then went outside and promptly attached a big galvanized sewer pipe we had laying around (I'm sorry to say that's a true statement) and the water is now being forced off into a more appropriate direction. Too little, too late, really. The dang rain had turned to snain, and then snow overnight. At least we'll be prepared for the next downpour.Don't have to flood me twice! Lesson learnt!


Prestwich Family said...

Oh, can that sucks!! Travis arrived yesterday to Utah with the youth in our ward for conference. You can blame him for those Northwest rains. Guess he brought them with him!! I hope it all cleans up okay.

Prestwich Family said...

Um, that was supposed to be oh, "man" that sucks! Ha-ha

Prestwich Family said...

Oh, one more thing! When you said you were always grammatically correct in your speaking, were you just joking in what you wrote two sentences later? Hee-Hee!

Val said...

Yes, you goober!

Amy said...

Oh, Val, I'm sorry! We've had a leak through our concrete where the water main comes into the basement for years. Luckily, it's never ruined anything but cardboard boxes and kids' puzzles, since our basement is still unfinished. We finally filled the crack with spray foam insulation, and we haven't had a problem since. I hope Jordan's carpet is feeling better and less squishy by now!

shannon p. said...

Yuck! The weather is terrible and a squish in your step is never a good thing! Hopefully the weather is on an up turn for a while...